PSHE / Online Safety / Global Citizenship Curriculum

INTENT – Our Vision for PSHE & including Online Safety & Global Citizenship:

In PSHE and supported throughout all subjects, we aim to equip children with essential skills for life; to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes our children need to protect and enhance their well-being thus preparing them for life in society – both now and in the future. We want them to learn how to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, responsibly participating in the society around them. We aim to inspire our children to see each and everybody’s value in society, from appreciation of others, to promoting strong and positive views of themselves. Through social, moral, spiritual and cultural development we strive to provide children with protective teaching on essential safeguarding issues, developing their knowledge of when and how they can ask for help. We aim to provide a wide range of the social and emotional aspects of learning, enabling children to develop their identity and self-esteem as active, confident members of their community and the online world.

Our Curriculum reflects the ethos and aims of the school as well as the context from which our children derive. This means that our curriculum provides the necessary building blocks to develop the necessary knowledge and skills, whilst also promoting British Values, healthy lifestyles and mental well-being, plus excellent behaviour and attitudes. It is underpinned with a large emphasis on SMSC development, a strong practical outworking for others in line with our Christian ethos, whilst also building character and readiness for the next stages of education and the learning journey beyond.

To find out more about our intent, implementation and impact for PSHE, please open: 

Our Curriculum for PSHE including Online Safety and Global Citizenship 

IMPLEMENTATION – PSHE Planning & Sequencing of Knowledge & Skills:

To find out how PSHE (including Online Safety and Global Citizenship) is planned & sequenced in order that our children can progress through the building blocks for learning, please click below:

PHSE Overview

PSHE Progression of Skills

PSHE Concepts

PHSE Policy 2020-22


Global Citizenship Progression of Skills

Global Learning Overview


Online Safety Skills Progression

Online Safety Overview

Online Safety Policy 2020-22

Aims of the National Curriculum in PSHE:

The overarching aim for PSHE in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of spiritual, moral. Social and cultural (SMSC) development, including the promotion of British values, by equipping pupils with a strong the attributes, knowledge and skills they need to support physical, mental and emotional well-being. To develop positive attitudes to learning, a positive respectful culture and to encourage children to develop positive behaviour and conduct. The national curriculum for PSHE aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • are equipped for life in the real world (and in their on-line lives) both now and also for their next steps,
  • are supported to build confidence, resilience and self-esteem
  • are taught how to recognise risk and know where to go for help when they need it
  • are equipped for some of the most complex decisions they will have to make
  • develop skills and attributes such as risk-management, team working and critical thinking
  • to understand economic wellbeing and aspects of careers education
  • acquire a wide vocabulary and knowledge of linguistic conventions for communication
  • appreciate our rich and varied world
  • express themselves clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences
  • use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas
  • are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.

To find out more information about the National Curriculum for this subject & others, please click here.

Learning Experience: What is the breadth of experience provided for our children?
  • Quality First teaching: variety of teaching styles & varied stimulus
  • Quality Resources: Books, texts, online resources & programmes
  • Visits: e.g. Crucial Crew (Y6)
  • Visitors: various
  • P4C sessions
  • Experiences and participation: Antibullying awareness (‘Odd Socks Day’), Online Safety Week including Safer Internet Day, Fairtrade Fortnight, Children in Need, Send My Friend Campaign, Christian Aid Week, World Water Day, Children’s Mental Health week, etc.
  • Aspire Day
  • Involvement in the Global Neighbours accreditation scheme
Resources: What resources are used to support the teaching & learning of this subject?
  • A wide variety of books (fiction & non-fiction)
  • Online resources
  • Published schemes such as Twinkl (PSHE) and the Sheffield On-line curriculum.
Links with other Subject Areas: What links are made between this & other subject areas?

Links are made with other subject areas wherever possible. Global and cultural learning is embedded through other subject areas such as Art, English and Geography.

IMPACT of our PSHE Curriculum:

We aim for our teaching of PSHE to have a great impact on the lives of our children not only through the development of the whole child personally, socially and emotionally, but also in laying the foundations for social mobility through the promotion of British Values as well as getting them ready for the next stages of their education.

Readiness for Next Stage of Education: How does this subject prepare our children for the next stage of their educational journey at secondary school & beyond?

We endeavour to ensure that the sequence of content enables our children to progress whilst they are with us but also to provide the building blocks necessary to build on at secondary school & their learning journey beyond. Underlying all of this is our emphasis on Leaning Culture which provides the underlying principles of attitude, resilience and character.

Promotion of Social Mobility: How does this subject promote social mobility?

Our aim is that no child is disadvantaged by their background situation & that, as a school, we provide everything that a child needs so that there is no cumulative dysfluency or cultural gaps in learning. As a result, we ensure that children have a broad range of curriculum experiences, free access to a wide variety of books and resources, multiple opportunities to speak as well as listen, plus our curriculum is designed in order to boost general as well as subject specific vocabulary.

Promotion of British Values & SMSC: How does this subject promote British Values & SMSC?

Through our rich and varied curriculum, we ensure that our children are well equipped for life in modern Britain and, through subject linkage have an excellent understanding of PSHE, Democracy, the Rule of Law, Responsibility & Liberty, Mutual Respect plus Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. Our Curriculum is driven by SMSC Development and, as a result, pupils thrive – enjoying their lives, learning and want to make a difference for others.

Assessment: How is PSHE assessed?
  • Regular Teacher assessment for Learning & understanding
  • Marking of tasks
  • Summative end of year assessment
Monitoring & Evaluation: How do we know we have been successful?
  • Observations of children
  • Work scrutiny
  • Discussions
  • Timetables
Long Term Memory: How does PSHE impact on long term memory?
  • Revision & recapping
  • Success Criteria
  • Feedback / reflection from marking
  • Repeated recall
  • Links & connections with other subject areas plus old & new knowledge
  • Quizzes
  • Discussion